
Importance of Ovulation Test

  Ovulation test detects the hormone luteinizing hormone (LH). They are very accurate for determining if you're ovulating. They're often the best time to use these tests, as they are similar to pregnancy tests in accuracy. However, they may not be accurate for some women if they take supplemental hormones or have an endocrine disorder. If this is the case, the test results should be discussed with a healthcare provider. ·          Urine ovulation tests detect the luteinizing hormone. Urine ovulation tests detect a surge of luteinizing hormone. In women, ovulation takes place about twenty-four hours before the follicle ruptures. Several reasons can cause ovulation to fail. A woman with polycystic ovaries can have a surge of LH, while an unruptured follicle can be luteinized. Lastly, malfunctions of the hypothalamus, which is the brain's main production center, can also lead to ovulation failure. ·       ...

Why is Food Intolerance Test Necessary

  You're not the only one wondering why you should have a  food intolerance test . Food intolerance does not necessarily mean food allergy, and it does not affect your immune system. Itching and skin rashes are not symptoms. If you react to a particular food, you may not notice any signs of food intolerance. Food intolerance doesn't necessarily mean food allergy. There is a vast difference between food intolerance and food allergy. Food allergy can cause severe reactions and can even be fatal. However, it is possible to have a food intolerance. This can occur in the digestive system. It may be caused by enzyme deficiencies, food additives sensitivity, or natural chemicals found in foods. Some people are tolerant of small amounts of food without experiencing any adverse effects. Your immune system is not involved. The immune system is complex and includes organs, proteins, cells, and cells that aid in fighting off foreign invaders. Many people mistakenly believe a...

Why Do You Need a Food Intolerance Test

  If you wonder why you need to have a food intolerance test , you're not alone. Food intolerance is not the same as food allergy. It does not involve your immune system, and the symptoms of food intolerance do not include itching and skin rashes. You may not even notice the effects of a food intolerance unless you experience a reaction to a particular food. ·          Food intolerance isn't the same as food allergy. There's a big difference between food intolerance and food allergy. While food allergy is a life-threatening reaction, food intolerance can be uncomfortable and even treatable. It occurs in the digestive system and can result from enzyme deficiencies, sensitivity to food additives, or naturally occurring chemicals in foods. Many people intolerant to a particular food can tolerate small amounts without any ill effects. ·          It doesn't involve your immune system. The immune syst...